Making Other Plans

Well now...

I'm reminded of the John Lennon lyrics (though neither the words nor the idea originated with him) "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." I suppose that resonates with a lot of people in these pandemic lockdown days, but for me it's particularly pertinent because back in October, for the first time in quite a while, I had decided to consciously take my life in a somewhat different direction, as noted in my first post here.

But then life intervened.

Nothing terrible or dramatic, but enough that I haven't found myself able to really focus on my new creative endeavor. Being the only one in the household who isn't working or studying full time, it naturally falls on me to do more of the day-to-day things like shopping, cooking, and tidying. Also, too, holiday shopping, managing the various contractors who have been doing projects on our house, and schlepping the cat to the vet. None of it overwhelming, but all of it taking time. Uninterrupted periods where I can focus on my stuff have been rare.

On the plus side, I have managed to create some useful software for the back end of one of my planned projects. And in doing so I have learned a few new tricks and polished up some old ones. But I had really expected more, so find myself a bit disappointed.

I had pretty much set the end of the calendar year as my deadline for deciding whether I was going to keep pursuing this new course or start looking for a "real" job again. It's hard to jump wholeheartedly into a job hunt when there is still this unknown possibility bouncing about in my brain. On the other hand, the trickle of job listings that LinkedIn sends my way these days hasn't contained much that's of real interest.

So it's getting to be time to figure out what I want to be next. The clock is ticking.


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